2023 Louisiana
Legislation Watch
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HB 77
Analysis & Talking Points
HB77 appears to be related to HB 142 (Now Act 440) from the 2022 legislative session, which was passed and signed into law by Governor John Bel Edwards earlier this year. That bill, also filed by Rep. Schlegel, requires websites with more than 33 1/3% mature content to require age verification via digital ID, government issued-ID, or some other "commercially reasonable method that relies on public or private transactional data to verify the age of the person attempting to access the information."
Talking Points
1. Current law already provides for parish governmental entities to establish library boards. There is absolutely no reason to make an exception for Livingston Parish, and certainly not just cause to fire the entire Parish's library board through a legislative instrument. This is a waste of both the legislature's time and the taxpayer's money.
2. Simply losing a vote or an election is not justification for deciding to rewrite the rules or firing an entire duly appointed board. This is antithetical to the democratic ideals of the United State of America. Stacking a board with extra seats in order to achieve one's desired political outcome is not only dishonest, it's undemocratic.