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LA-CAC has not received a dime from the ALA. We are 100% funded by small donations from citizens across the state. (If you are wondering if you’ll be attacked for donating to us, we are a 501(c)(4) in order to protect our donors’ privacy). 


Likewise, we are not funded by the Democratic Party. They have bigger fish to fry – in case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a big election coming up.


Amanda Jones doesn’t run LA-CAC. She’s a founder. Learn the difference. We have a board of directors like any other organization.


Public documents exist with the home addresses of every one of C4NL’s board members, including its Executive Director. We could publish those, but we choose not to, because we respect the privacy of family members who are not in this fight. To publicize those details, as well as identifying information about one of our founders’ vehicles, shows a staggering lack of empathy, and quite frankly, class.


On a related note, having a photo of the women you are harassing on your desk is deeply disturbing. It smacks of obsession, and is clearly meant to elicit fear. Stalking women is never ok, regardless of any political disagreement. Statistics show 69% of female stalking victims in the United States are threatened with physical harm.


The article about our work was in School Library Journal, not Southern Library Journal. Proper citing of sources is a skill any librarian could assist you with. Our public libraries have a vast array of wonderful resources geared toward helping writers and content creators get their facts straight. Libraries are great like that.


Though we realize it’s hard to comprehend the idea that a woman could do so, our founder, Lynette Mejía, designed and maintains our website 100% on her own. She doesn’t need help from the ALA or anyone else, although we do understand why others might be a little envious.


Finally, we think it’s pretty telling that the recent attacks have devolved into ad hominem screeds, and conveniently avoid the central point – the people of Louisiana stopped the anti-library bills at the legislature this year, even with a Republican supermajority. The fact is, attacks against libraries, literacy, education, and the dedicated library workers across this state don’t play well with lawmakers or citizens, regardless of party. All the lies and false attacks in the world don’t change that truth.


Any questions? You can reach us at

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